Thank you to all of our many and generous supporters! Your contributions enabled us to make the trip to Minneapolis without any major financial encumbers. We feel like every one of you were a part of this experience, so we've tried to re-live it here on this blog so you can also feel like you were there. We will be getting commemorative pins in the mail soon for all of our $50+ donors. We appreciate each and all of you so much!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rare Churchill Quote

I found this interesting quote from Winston Churchill, made to New York Enquirer editor William Griffen in August, 1936:

America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these ‘isms’ wouldn’t to-day be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government, and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives.

I think Churchill is one of the greatest enigmas in modern history. It's weird to see such a solid case for non-interventionism from such an interventionist.

For further enlightenment, I highly recommend reading Human Smoke by Nicholson Baker. It's my second favorite book of all time.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Progress Report

Thank you so much to everyone who is making the trip to Minneapolis possible for the Revolution Roadtrippers! We have had two successful car washes, and our ChipIn donations are also coming along nicely. A great big THANK YOU! goes out to Curry Insurance and Falcone Deli & Pizza for lending us their water and parking lots.

We had an Oklahoma Delegation meeting this weekend where we picked up our delegate pins, so we will be sending those out soon to our $50+ contributors! We also learned that we will be keeping very busy throughout the convention week with various events and receptions, so there will be plenty of news to keep you coming back to the blog.

Till then,
RR Team

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Peace" as a Theme for the Convention?

I recently received an email update from the Republican National Convention announcing the convention's themes to be Service, Reform, Prosperity, and Peace.

Wait a minute...(sound of tires screeching to a halt)...Peace? As a theme of the Republican National Convention? Where we'll be "nominating" John "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" McCain?

I wish I could be pleasantly surprised at such a development. But instead I find myself feeling disgusted that such a noble, righteous concept as peace could be so disgraced by the war-starved neocons who control the Republican Party.

We can debate about the various merits and detriments of particular wars and conflicts, but one thing should be logically and morally clear: one cannot advocate peace and aggressive "preventive" war at the same time; they are mutually exclusive concepts. Peace can never be achieved by the means of violence, just as honesty cannot be achieved by the means of deception, and love cannot be achieved by the means of hate. So what's it going to be fellow Republicans?

It amazes me the extent to which people are willing to deceive themselves. Do the organizing directors of the convention really believe in "peace" being a theme of the Republicans' 2008 campaign? Or have they just astutely co-opted the concept after seeing the passionate response to Ron Paul's anti-war platform among disaffected Republican voters? It sickens me to think about all the cheering we're going to hear at the convention when our leaders advocate continuing foreign war and domestic rights violations in the supposed pursuit of "freedom", "security", and "peace."

The one bright spot I see in "Peace" being a convention theme is that it shows that if we the people will care enough to make some noise over important issues, our leaders at some point must listen and adhere to our wishes, even if it is only for political expediency. And hopefully it gives delegates like me and other Revolution Roadtrippers more of a chance to talk about what peace really means, and how we'll never have freedom and prosperity without it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Car Wash for Liberty

The Revolution Roadtrip team (Lukus and Toby) will be putting on a car wash fund raiser this Saturday, August 16th, from 10am to 6pm at 415 W. 15th Street in Edmond (here's a map). If you'd like to get your car washed, or help wash cars, or wave signs, or just say "hi", we'd love to see your smiling faces! Feel free to come late, leave early, whatever you need to do, we would just like everyone who can to join our effort. Contact Lukus (, 371-2574) for more details if you have any questions. We'll see you there!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Get Your Very Own Commemorative Delegate Pin!

Announcing: For any donation of $50 or more, we will send you a Commemorative 2008 Oklahoma Republican Delegation Pin as a thank you! These are the very same pins that the Oklahoma Delegates will be wearing in Minneapolis. Here is a picture of what they look like:

To receive your own, just click the ChipIn button above and donate at least $50.

Thank you for your amazing generosity!

RR Team

Friday, August 8, 2008

First Donor!

Thanks to our first ChipIn donor! You are a huge first step in sending principled delegates to take a stand for traditional values and individual liberty in Minneapolis. We are on our way!