Thank you to all of our many and generous supporters! Your contributions enabled us to make the trip to Minneapolis without any major financial encumbers. We feel like every one of you were a part of this experience, so we've tried to re-live it here on this blog so you can also feel like you were there. We will be getting commemorative pins in the mail soon for all of our $50+ donors. We appreciate each and all of you so much!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Car Wash for Liberty

The Revolution Roadtrip team (Lukus and Toby) will be putting on a car wash fund raiser this Saturday, August 16th, from 10am to 6pm at 415 W. 15th Street in Edmond (here's a map). If you'd like to get your car washed, or help wash cars, or wave signs, or just say "hi", we'd love to see your smiling faces! Feel free to come late, leave early, whatever you need to do, we would just like everyone who can to join our effort. Contact Lukus (, 371-2574) for more details if you have any questions. We'll see you there!

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