Thank you to all of our many and generous supporters! Your contributions enabled us to make the trip to Minneapolis without any major financial encumbers. We feel like every one of you were a part of this experience, so we've tried to re-live it here on this blog so you can also feel like you were there. We will be getting commemorative pins in the mail soon for all of our $50+ donors. We appreciate each and all of you so much!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

We are as mad as hell and we’re not going to take this anymore!!!

Hey Revolution Road trip readers! Wanted to let all you patient waiters out there that the revolution has begun!!! We need to let you know that since we have been here we have been equipped with the tools necessary to do the business of freedom. We have been given the knowledge necessary to fill in those gaps that have hindered some of our previous effectiveness and we will come back leaner and meaner.

In the movie Network, Howard Beale was a TV news anchor that had, had enough. “No one has to tell us things are bad, we know things are bad!” This sentiment is one that is deep within all of us and know what needs to change and instead of getting complacent you need to get mad. Let me be clear, I don’t mean that you need to be upset, not that you need to be uncomfortable. I don’t mean that you need to feel challenged or tense. You need to get mad and not just mad but mad as hell. We have got to go out and make change, and it’s more apparent now than ever before.

This week we have practiced freedom and witnessed tyranny. We built bridges and our opponents burned them down. We have seen people tear gassed and beaten. We have seen soldiers and CIA, big party tyrants and local despots. But most of all we have seen the fire of freedom burning in the eyes and hearts of people that will not shrink back. We have heard the great call to liberate minds and dispute the idea that liberty cannot be obtained. We WILL obtain it. WE WILL ACHIEVE IT. WE’RE AS MAD AS HELL AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!

Stay tuned in as we recap the events of this week and hopefully plug-in some video that you all can see as well.

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